1. Main publications about the database itself
• REHER, David, GONZÁLEZ QUIÑONES, Fernando R. y SANZ GIMENO, Alberto (2004), «Procesos de modernización y trayectorias de vida. Propuesta para el análisis sociodemográfico a partir de datos locales en España», Reconstituição de famílias, fogos e estratégias sociais, Actas del VI Congreso de la Asociación de Demografía Histórica, 18-20 abril 2001, Castelo Branco.
2. Main or exemplary publications on research based on the database
• REHER, David-Sven y GONZÁLEZ QUIÑONES, Fernando R. (2003), «Do parents really matter? Child health and development in Spain during the demographic transition», Population Studies, 57, 1, págs. 63-75.
• COLANTONIO, Sonia E., FUSTER, Vicente, SANZ GIMENO, Alberto y REHER, David S. (2008), «Factors related to inbreeding components from isonymy in an urban population: Aranjuez (Spain)», Journal of Biosocial Science 40, 2, págs. 239-246.
• REHER David-Sven y SANZ GIMENO, Alberto (2007), «Rethinking historical reproductive change: Insights from longitudinal data for a Spanish town», Population and Development Review, 33, 4, págs. 703-727.
• REHER, David-Sven, ORTEGA, José Antonio y SANZ GIMENO, Alberto (2008), «Intergenerational transmission of reproductive traits in Spain during the demographic transition», Human Nature, 19, 1, págs. 23-43.
• VAN POPPEL, Frans, REHER, David S., SANZ GIMENO, Alberto, SÁNCHEZ DOMÍNGUEZ, María y BEEKINK, Erik (2012), «Mortality decline and reproductive change during the Dutch demographic transition: Revisiting a traditional debate with new data», Demographic Research, 27, 11, págs. 299-338.